San Diego Partner, Robert Carlson Nominated for the 2021 Ollie Award!

Jul 14, 2021

2021 Ollie Award Finalists Announced…CONGRATULATIONS Robert Carlson! 

Please join KNCH in casting your vote for Bob on the West Coast Casualty website by clicking below: 

Bob has had an amazing and impactful career, and his involvement in the construction defect industry, has been beneficial to many.  He has been a trial lawyer concentrating on construction defect litigation for over 40 years.  Bob has lectured extensively, frequently focusing on trial technique, trial strategy, case evaluation methods, and the results of some of his ground breaking cases.

Since the West Coast Casualty seminar will be in Las Vegas this year, it seems appropriate to reference The Shuette v Beazer Homes case, where Bob was the lead trial counsel in that Nevada class action lawsuit.  The Shuette case changed the landscape of construction defect class actions in that state and others, resulting in the virtual elimination of class actions for many construction defect lawsuits.  He was also the trial and lead appellate attorney in Pardee v ICW and its follow-on case of Pulte v American Safety wherein the issue of the “duty to defend” an additional insured was confirmed and solidified to allow all parties to an insurance policy to determine their respective rights and obligations.

While Bob may be best known for his fearless willingness to try cases to verdict, he has successfully resolved thousands of matters favorably to his clients and their insurers.